Truth Is A Pathless Land
J. Krishnamurti
The Krishnamurti-nz Free Postal Lending Library
Download list of books available for borrowing by clicking here
To borrow material from the library please send your request to: Krishnamurtinzwebsite@gmail.com
There is no charge, but any donations will go towards expanding the library.
A maximum of 3 items can be borrowed at any time.
Please include the number and the title when ordering.
Material should normally be returned within a month. If you need to extend this period, please contact us.
Address for return is: Krishnamurti-nz library, C/O Librarian, 9/16 Crosher Place, Hamilton, 3216
Book Donations
Although it is a postal lending library the library has another function, and that is, to place surplus books into the community.
This is done by offering duplicate books to people who are keen to pass them on to friends and acquaintances, or to second hand bookshops, or sometimes Libraries. They are also made available at Krishnamurti based gatherings.
If you have any appropriate books that you would like to give a second chance of being read please consider donating them to the New Zealand Krishnamurti Library as they would be much appreciated.
If you would like to donate some books please contact the Library at: