Truth Is A Pathless Land
J. Krishnamurti
The Krishnamurti Foundation Trust has compiled a directory containing information about, and direct links to, all the audio and video recordings of
J. Krishnamurti currently on the official Krishnamurti YouTube web site.
Which means you can have access to your own Krishnamurti Study Centre no matter where you are.
The directory has two sections:
Full Recordings - which includes complete talks and discussions
Extracts - which includes all the Questions & Answers from 1979 to 1985 as separate video clips, plus other selected extracts.
You can use the directory on a computer, tablet or phone and do a word search to get information about recordings on a topic of your choice.
For phones and tablets please download a PDF reader app which allows word search, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
You can go directly to a section such as Public Meetings USA, or ‘Freedom’ in Extracts, by clicking on it in the Table of Contents. To go directly to the recordings on YouTube just click on the hyperlink provided.
The directory enables anyone with a computer, tablet, or phone to create their own study programme of Krishnamurti's teachings no matter where they are.
The full recordings directory can be downloaded here.
The extracts directory can be downloaded here.